Okay so some of my family doesn't like my fiancee at all. It is a very long story that I'm not going to get into. Needless to say at one point they liked him, something came out, and now they hate him. In fact it's to the point where they want me to go back to my ex who was a million times worse.
Scott is a good guy, they can't see that anymore, fine.
I know because of the situation the future could have some bumps. I get it. But I feel that no matter what gets thrown at us it will be okay because Scott and I will be together. No marriage is easy, and while there are a few added complications it isn't the end of the world.
They don't want me to go through that, whatever, then why are they making it so hard? One thing that would make the situation easier is their support. Don't they understand that some support they could make it a million times easier?
I don't think they will understand that though, and I don't think anything will change their mind. So I have to decide if I want to be with Scott, and risk some of their scathing comments, or not be with Scott and have their acceptance. I know that something else will come along they won't accept, so rather than give up the love of my life, my future, for nothing, I'm going to stay with Scott. It might be an extremely small wedding, with few people, but it'll be okay. Because those who will be there love us, support us, and have faith in us. That is what matters.
I was flipping through stations on the radio yesterday and came across this song which I think fits quite well:
It's My Life- Bon Jovi
Its my live and it's now or never
I ain't gonna live forever
I just wanna live while I'm alive
It's my life
My heart is like an open high way
Like Frankie said I did it my way
I just wanna live while I'm alive.
And living my life means being happy, and not giving up the best thing that happened to me. So I'm gonna live while I'm alive.